Saturday, 17 July 2010


Like every nurse I have a pair of scissors. When I worked on the wards they were small and curved and had a little foot to go under bandages - some bugger stole them out of my locker (they also stole my toothpaste, but as it had fallen down the toilet and I had no idea why I still kept it I didn't mind that). When I moved into A&E I obtained a pair of Tuffcuts. I have had a few over the years, I even bought a pair of left-handed ones to see if they were better (they weren't, not their fault, after years of using right handed scissors I could not make the adjustment) and anyway Tuffcuts are left or right hand friendly.
Why am I telling you this? Well over the years I have cut many things - shirts, jackets, trousers,pants, bra's and they are superb at cutting leather boots. I tell the story that they will cut anything and I once saw a doctor open someones chest using them - they had nothing else at that point and the patient would have died otherwise. Today though I excelled myself, today I was cutting someones shirt off and managed to cut through the ECG leads. Think of every time you have ever felt shame and multiply it by 100, I am embarrassed as I type this. The sound of the monitor alarming and then the sudden realisation what you have done and then the comments from colleagues.


The Shrink said...

Oh, my.

Nobody could chide you more than you'll cringe and beat yourself up, I guess!

Well, I s'pose there're worse things to accidentally snip . . .

Mal Content said...

Well....I remember when MAST suits were all the rage and had just been introduced...and in Joburg were very very expensive...and a colleague...who didnt know wht they were...just cut thru them!!

Julie said...

I did once accidentally head butt someone who had just had an operation for a brain tumour, but I'll take your word for it that you were more embarrassed than that..

Nurse Anne said...

Stuff happens.

Anonymous said...

Does it beat cutting through the defib pads during a resus?

Luckily, we got ROSC before the next shock would have been due, but embarrassing nonetheless!

grumpyoldwoman said...

I once cut through the tube delivering blood to a child with leukaemia - I thought I had grabbed my forceps and was saving her life as there was a big airlock in the tube. Shock made me nip the end at lightening speed and scream for help. The bag emptied over myself and child and bless her, she laughed! I had forgotten that, thanks for reminding me!

GAB said...

well you know the saying Sh** happens? I guess it's true! LOL. Dont feel to badly though it happens to all of us at one point or another.

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